Friday 8 October 2010

Woe is me ...

I am not happy, far from it it has to be said. New voices announced today a staggering 45 entries that they wanted to follow up on. I was not one of them! Not that I thought my entry was fantastic, it wasn't, but still, a small part of me was hoping.

It didn't help, when my ever truthful husband announced that he did not expect me to get through. How dare he!
He did go on to say, that he felt that my writing now was much better, then the hastily constructed chapter I submitted. And once I stopped sulking and feeling sorry for myself, I had to admit that he is right. I can do much better. That chapter is currently in it's third revision and I dare say it will have a few more, before I bite the bullet and submit to M&B through the normal channels.

But still, ya know, surely he must realise that I have got the makings of a great literacy genius ;-)

So, back to the drawing board and on with writing. I will get there one day...


  1. Doris, I had to laugh as your husband's 'slip' ;) But you know what? Your writing is better now. And when you get published, you can look back and find it all funny. One day ... maybe ;)

    In the meantime, we're one of the joint 56th and proud!! LOL

  2. Joint 56th sounds good to me :-)

  3. I hope the Hubby is still in the land of the living ;-p
    Glad you are continuing with your chapter, I can't wait to see where Sylvia and Sven end up xx

  4. I'm glad your husband is supportive of your efforts, and that he actually reads your work! And take heart that your writing kicked up a few notches in such a short period, because that's the mark of a writer who knows her strengths and knows how to fix her weaknesses.
