Friday, 13 February 2015

Flash Fiction Friday - The Dance #FFF

Happy Friday, folks. We've made it through another week! :-D

When I first saw the picture we were given for today, I had no idea it would take this turn, lol. Anyhow, enjoy, I hope.

To see the picture inspiration, click here

Anna hated this part with a vengeance. Parading herself in front of his clients, but he was watching and she knew better than to disobey him.
She still bore the scars from the last and only time she had. The memory sent ice cold shivers down her spine, and she froze her gyrations just long enough for the two men whose laps she was draped over to notice.
The blond guy’s smile slipped and his hold on her ass cheek tightened imperceptibly, as he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

“Relax and dance.  We’re here to rescue you.”


Friday Flashers have 100 words to tell a story from the provided picture prompt. Do check out the other flashers. You won't be disappointed. :-)
Till next week, folks.

D x  


  1. Nice one Doris. So pleased she got 2 chunky guys to reuse her

  2. Great flasher. So pleased she is to be rescued, and by these two - hope they look after her well

  3. Oh, that was great, Doris!! what a surprise ending! xo

  4. Damn, nice twist to thus Doris.
