Friday, 29 March 2013

Flash Fiction Friday - Karma #FFF

It's Friday and that means it's time to flash. Now the picture this week just didn't speak to me, so I posted the following on Facebook.

"Words, I need words."

My friend Cerys responded with these words...

"Kumquat. Headboard. Ravished. Chandelier. Toxic. Costume. Hidden. Delights. Scantily. Sparkling."

She then promptly dared me to use them. Now, I can never resist a dare, so here you are - Enjoy!

She took a bite of the Kumquat, and he smiled grimly. The toxic hidden in the sweet delights of the fruit would strip her of the costume she wore, like he had been stripped off his illusions, when he’d seen her scantily clad body tied to the headboard of his bed. Illuminated by the chandelier he’d had the perfect view of her being ravished by his best friend.
Her once sparkling eyes dimmed, and he caught her as she fell. The waterfall was the perfect place to hide the body.


Friday Flashers have 100 words to tell a story from the provided picture prompt. Do check out the other flashers. You won't be disappointed. :-)

Till next week, folks.

D x


  1. That was incredibly hot! Great job.

    1. Hot? Are you in touch with your inner serial killer there, Donna? ;-) lol

  2. Oh Doris! He killed her? Or was it his friend? Beautifully written.

    1. Yep, it seems so. Perhaps I shouldn't write with toothache ;-)

  3. So gruesome. Excellent use of the photo and the selected words. Your flash works wonderfully.

  4. Damn! You taking a leaf from my pages there Doris?? ;)

  5. An interesting challenge. You did really well, creating quite a dark flasher.

    1. Thanks, Naomi, It was fun to write something different.

  6. yikes!! wow!! *shivers* awesome post. Def want to know more of what led up to this and why he was going to put an end to her. Damn this caught my attention. :)

  7. I bow down before your amazing ability to use some very random words!

  8. She dies?! You said toxic and I still didn't see it coming. This is a little piece of spooky magic. Shivers. Thank you, Doris and Cerys ;)

    1. Yes, she does. That took me by surprise too :)
