Friday, 2 January 2015

Flash Fiction Friday - The Truth #FFF

Happy Friday, folks. I must admit I was lazy with today's flash. We had this picture before, and instead of writing a new flash, I'm recycling my original take on it. Forgive me :-)

Conditions were far from ideal, but Sam couldn't help that surge of happiness, when Luke leant his head on Sam's shoulder. What was the old saying? Extraordinary circumstances and all that…
With his defenses down, Luke had sought out Sam's protection instinctively. It was Sam, he'd called in despair. Sam whose hand he'd clutched for hours waiting for news. Sam's shoulder he'd cried on in relief at the doctor's words.
Not the floozies he'd chosen to date in an effort to fit in. No, when it mattered, Luke had followed his heart—finally.

"I was a fool, forgive me, Sam."


Friday Flashers have 100 words to tell a story from the provided picture prompt. Do check out the other flashers. You won't be disappointed. :-)
Till next week, folks.

D x  


  1. I have never read that one before, Doris. It doesn't matter what we need comfort with, it only matters with whom we seek it out. The do's and don't of life fail to miserably to help when the person you need is not nearby. So realistic and really principled. Why is it always so late in life that we learn that to follow your heart is the only way--the only true North, as they say? Wonderful, hopeful--great advice. Loved it. xo

  2. At least he realizes now that Sam is the one special person. After all he is always there for him. Great flash Doris, Happy New Year x

  3. Great job! I really enjoyed this one!

  4. It may take some people longer than others but everyone realizes, eventually, what they really want to be happy. Excellent flash

  5. Doris, you are straight-up amazing with you work there. I wanted to read more, but too bad it only allows 100 words. Great job!

  6. Beautiful flash and I am so glad these two are together. To love and care and support each other. I want to know so much more of these two and what lead up to this moment. Awesome flash.
